2012年12月17日 星期一

How to edit Documents

When download words document from email, first need to open it through Office 2 Plus and select all in there copy and paste to aNotes and edit there.  After edit, email to your email again.

2012年12月7日 星期五

How to share of WiFi by personal spot by iPhone 5

To to share of  Wifi by personal spot.

1. firstly, need to turn OFF Wifi in Setting, until Wifi show "OFF".

2. Turn the Personal Hotspot, from ON to OFF, and refresh to ON again, at this  ask you switch on Wifi / bluetooth/USB. Select the one with WiFi.

3. After that it show : Person Hotspot: 1 Connection, once you connect to the wifi in Windows or link up the other iphone.

4. mostly importantly, need both WiFi button and Personal Hotspot refresh again.

You cannot use the WiFi fuction and turn on the personal Spot in the same time.

How to disolve the problems of Internet Explorer in iPhone 5

1. Safari have a lot of limitions, cannot open the video or flash.

2. to use Mercury to solve for many letters become bigger and alignment for most of websites, but have to select the necessary wording personally.

3. to use Diigo Browser solve letters become bigger and alignment more easily, very fast and efficiency but cannot detect all websites

4. to use Opera Mini to solve letters become bigger and alignment for all cases but explorer speed is pretty low.

5. Puffin is very good for browsing the flash websites

6. Photon also can browse the flash website

7. Skyfire also can browse the flash website but not easily control

8. Chrome is fast browser but cannot align wordings

1. Safari
2. Mercury
3. Diigo
4. Opera Mini
5. Puffin
6. Photon
7. Skyfire
8. Chrome

2012年11月21日 星期三

Problems of synconized Contacts among iphone 5, itune and ms outlook

Problems of missing telephones after synconized the contacts among iphone 5, iTune and Microsoft Outlook.

May be the language of the each softwares are different. should be use all in English Version may be solve this problems.

Iphone 5 : English
iTune : English
Outlook : English

May be the column of outlook and chinese are different from english.

Let me try and test

2012年11月18日 星期日

Iphone 5 softwares added 2012-11-18

iPhone 5 no Jailbreak should add

1. Disp Recorder Version 1.2 it works for recording display screen video. and save to Camera Roll

2. Memory Manager

3. Music Player

4. Video Downloader

5. Dropbox

6. Video editor for Disp Recorder, Choose from Camera Roll

Computer Softwares included

1. Disk Aid

2. 25PP

3. iTools

4. iTune

2012年10月12日 星期五

2012年10月11日 星期四

Sortings of Apps under the use of Over Board

Nine individual sorted Apps

Background Used Apps
1. OverBoad
2. Settings
3. Phone
4. XSysInfo
5. iFile

1A. Common use and very important or use frequently.

1. Internal Callenda,
2. Photo
3. We Chat
4. Message
5. Mail
6. Contacts
7. Facebook
8. iMailG
9. WhatsApp
10. HT Recorder
11. Music
12. Camera
13. Mindjet
14. Calculator
15. aNote
16. Notes
17. Compass
18. Safari
19. Maps

2B. Broswers & Translators

1. Photon
2. OPera Mini
3. Puffin
4. VDownload
5. Chrome
6. Stocks
7. SMS2Mail
8. myTV
9. Appledaily
10. Google+
11. YouKu
12. You Tube by Google
13. Translate
14. CamDictionaryFree
15. MingPo
16. YouTube internal
17. Fast Translate

3C. Jailbreak tools and Free Software App Centres
1. Cydia
2. Quick Install Shop
3. PP assistant
4. iFanBox
5. App Store
6. Tui
7. Installous
8. Apple Retails
9. Apple Store
10. PP assistant link

4D. Effeciency and Backup Tools
1. Memory Manager
2. AppBackup
3. DataDeposit
4. Unrestricor 3G
5. MyWi
6. iSHSHit
7. xBackup
8. Activator
9. iCleaner
10. AppInfo
11. RcognizeMe
12. SBSettings
13. USB Drive
14. MutilCleaner

5F. PDF Convertor or Revertor, Reader, Numbers
2. PDF To Text
3. PDF Convertor
4. PDF Printer
5. Goodreader
6. Numbers
7. TurboScan+
8. PDF Expert
9. PDF Spilicer
10. Text Translator
11. File Viewer

6G. Contacts Backup,
1. MS Contacts Kit
2. Group
3. Skype
4. Genius Dialer
5. Verber
6. iSmart DialD
7. Line
8. Reminder internal
9. Contacts Sync
10. CJournal
11. ContactCleaner

7H. Display Recorder, Music, Video Editor
1. Display Recorder - Jailbreak one
2. Display Recorder - From App Store but not appeared now
3. EQu
4. DuoMei music
5. Video Editor
6. Voice Memo
7. SkyRecorder
8. iTune
9. Videos - Internal built
10. Music Player
11. Movie Player
12. Recorder Plus
13. Quick Record
14. GPlayer
15. HaiMei Music

8I. Dropbox, File Manger
1. Dropbox
2. DL Dropbox
3. iLoader
4. DropManager
5. Bump
6. Instamail
7. File Manager

9J. Mortgage Calculator Tools & Banking Tools
1. Midland Mortgage Calculator
2. Midland Property hanout
3. QRReader
4. Bakodo
5. World Clock
6. Clock - Internal Built
10. My Cal HK
11. Wealther
12. iris.gov.hk
13. Ticketing
14. Heart Fitness

10K. Internet Expoler, Safari, Jailbreak News

10H. Games
1. BH Deluxe
2. Bug Heroes
3. Gun Bros
4. Water?
5. MC3
6. MC2 BP
7. Game Center
8. Shawdow Gun
9. Gemibears
10. Ifighter

Kill up and Quit all programs

1. Activator
2. Anywhere
3. Short Hold
4. Assigned XSysInfo with wordings: Currently assigned to  XSysInfo

This is very important to refresh the memory totally.
Furthermore, use the iCleaner to clear up all used memory

In case of Multicleaner is also very useful for quit all the programs including the current programs, this is will finish the procedures very fast. but cannot clean up deeply.

Also, use the Memory Manager is also very useful but it take more time to clean up the memory.

MultiCleaner Function

1. Activator triggers
2. Quit all apps
3. Status Bar
4. Hold Right - Tap and hold on the right part of status... (tick), which means in the position of the top right corner of iphone, in which the battery status position located.

Personal Hotspot Settings

1. Setting
2. General
3. Network
4. Personal Hotspot On
5. Wi-Fi Password 12345678

2012年10月3日 星期三

share wifi by MyWi and security lock

1. make sure switch off the wifi  on first, in which search for wifi from outside. this step is very important otherwise cannot connect to the wifi by the computer window 7 running properly.

2. In MyWi, turn on WiFi Hotspot.

3. Security setting: WPA2, with digit password.

4. in computer input wifi setting manually. Name of Wifi: MyWi locallhost, with WPA2 and password.

5. When there is a conflict in which the wifi cannot work properly, have a sign 感嘆號appeared on the wifi logo. Then have clear the setting of wifi account.

In general setting remove the password for Internet setting, make unlink to the wifi. And then switch on the MyWi on. After that the conflict can be removed.

2012年9月26日 星期三

What Should I do after just exploring bug bomb

1. I should use the Ant teleport move the base tower and renew the bug bomb and then use the howitzer and replusar wave to kill the stated enemies.

2. Increase the power of the 1. Fly. 2. Spider and final 3. Ant should be fully equipped once have enough money upto each 800 dollars or 1500 dollars.

2012年9月20日 星期四

bug heroes yard normal level reached 205

1. Ant function
Life support
Clear function Wave and howitzer 

2. Fly function
Move surrounding the base tower, purpose to clear the enemies 
To kill the caterpillar 3 times To kill the centipede 

3. Spider function
Use the assassin bomb to the queen ant.
Use the assassin bomb to kill the Centipede.
Move surrounding the base tower
Most important to record the each small sub levels of progress level by 
1. Ifile Copy and paste
2. app backup
3. Datadeposit
The purposes of this function is to avoid or discard the appeared of 
1. Grub Lancher
2. Caterpillar 
2. Spider
3. Big grub
4. Elephant Snail
5. Queen Ant
6. Giant Scorpian 
If above appear need to recover the previous saved small level and try to continue again.
Selective to chose the assigned job duty.
Chose not heavy duties
1. Gaint slug
2. Save 1 slave
3. Without damage in 30sec Level reached 205
Money kept 4000
Score 850,000
Remain food in base tower enough survive further in future.
1. Ant function
Wave Life support
Clear function Wave and howitzer 
2. Fly function Move surrounding the base tower, purpose to clear the enemies  To kill the caterpillar 3 times To kill the centipede 
3. Spider function Use the assassin bomb to the queen ant. Use the assassin bomb to kill the Centipede. Move surrounding the base tower Most important to record the each small sub levels of progress level by 
1. Ifile Copy and paste
2. app backup
3. Datadeposit
The purposes of this function is to avoid or discard the appeared of 
1. Grub Lancher
2. Caterpillar 
2. Spider 3.
Big grub 4. Elephant Snail
5. Queen Ant
6. Giant Scorpian  If above appear need to recover the previous saved small level and try to continue again.
Selective to chose the assigned job duty.
Chose not heavy duties
1. Gaint slug
2. Save 1 slave
3. Without damage in 30sec
Level reached 205 Money kept 4000
Score 850,000
Remain food in base tower enough survive further in future.

2012年9月9日 星期日

Bug Heroes 重要策略

1. 一開始頭10關,努力去一部部做
2. 在10關後用Bug bomb剩下剛能生存的食物去保護基地同時可以清殺大存在的敵人
利用bug bomb 好重要,每次罸200元但得到500元,容易一些完成工作
3. 努力去Build 基地設備和bug  heroes的武器
4.在30關後差不多所有設備和武器都fullly eeuiped
5.之后才小心grub lancher和caterpilla. 利用
a.iFile to copy and paste level
b. app backup
c . data deposit

2012年9月5日 星期三

How to Recovery the grub Lancher each time to surive

This is very important procedure of surive by using the AppBackup

1. when the Grub Lancher appeared, use the AppBackup to make a backup first before go to kill the Grub Lancher. As the program had fixed the position when launch. In case have any damage, we can just recover the status by the Appbackup.

2. when the very dangerous and serious enemies appreared, use all the useful weapons to kill and clear them.

combination of base tower will be more save money.

Cutivator / Bug Bomb

3. Must clear all the environment before the heavy enemies coming out.

2012年9月2日 星期日

Bug heroes Ant Spider Fly

New ideas which is effectively successed to survive by using Fly to move arround and to kill all enemies which is most helpful is to save more time to kill the Grub Luncher especially most important. And secondly is to kill the caterpillars less important comparing with Grub Luncher.

Two main Targets of prevention of death by Two Ways.

1st way : to use one time shotting weapons to kill the Grub Lancher and Caterpiller. 3 times each period.

a. Assassion Cut
b. Roulette
c. Plasma Cannon
d. Money shot
e. Assissin Bomb for Queen Ant

2nd way: to avoid danger of other enemies by using of faster skill or other tools.

a. Howtizer and Goggle to kill enemies
b. Assissin bomb to kill Queen Ant

other weapons to speed up

a. smoke
b. super assissin
c. fly - fast speed
d. fly - freezing tool

1. Ant - delay the time and slow up the each period

Goggle to search caterpillas and the Grub Lanchers.
Allow time to create food
Position of Ant at 30 degree left or right down from the Base Tower in front of you.

2. Fly - don't move arround too far will make many enemies coming out that may be difficult to kill them and will be dangerous to Bug Heroes.
Scoundrel delay time and save life

3. Spider - keep away from enemy especially vampires, to save "one time shoting weapons", and therefore use the Howitzer with help of Goggle

2. Target to kill the Caterpillas and Grub Luncher appeare 3times each moment.

1. Keep the weapons use to kill  the Caterpillas and Grub Luncher and not wasting to the other enemies.
a. Assassion Cut
b. Roulette
c. Plasma Cannon
d. Money shot
e. Assissin Bomb for Queen Ant


1. Beware of position of Gaint Snail
2. Beaware of Army Ant - Scoundel  to freez them
3. To maintain the stonger health of Bug Hereos  to avoid danger of Vampire, snail or Bumber Bee.

2012年8月30日 星期四

Bug heroes deluxe no treasure skill

1.  Circular movement 打轉 with help of speeding up tools arround the base tower very important
This purpose to avoid enemy's weapons.
2. To build up food by not accepting too many tasks in the same time
3. Use 2 machine guns in base towers but after have enough money arround 4000 to 5000dollars to change forcefiled and firecracker
4. Use cuticator and bug bomb in base tower

2012年8月22日 星期三

2012年8月21日 星期二

Remove single column mobile no by manually

1. Select the disired column mobile phone no.

2. use the function left (text, 4 letters) and right (text, 4 letters) to sort out the numbers

3. to concentate the left and right number

4. use if (text = lower text) then sort out duplicate, totally use 4 if functions

5. after that use copy and paste function to fix the value.

6. insert a 2nd column of heading, a0001, a0002, a0003...... to create a header so that allow sorting out the duplicate value and delete by comparing manually.

2012年8月20日 星期一

How to add up additional phone numbers without affecting orignal telephones

How to add up additional phone numbers without affecting orignal telephones

Step 1

1. Edit Excel IS Contacts Kit phone list by just keeping the header and delete all the other phones

2. Add Last Name, First Name, Phone 1 Lable: Mobile and Phone1 numbers

3. Save to Dropbox

Setp 2

1. Open Dropbox and selected to open IS Contact Kit
2. Add the Imported just edit excel phone number above and
3. Keep OFF in Backup contacts before import
4. Keep OFF in Delete all contacts before import
5. Start the procedure.
6. End

2012年8月15日 星期三

How to remove duplicate in Row by Excel and other softwares

1. open the contact excel file in Windows 7

2. choice data

3. remove duplicate and keep default selected all

4. to confirm remove duplicated items by entering confirmed key.

5. Done

6. After removing by Excel

7. and to use Remove Duplicate Contacts and Events v.5.1.1 in Iphone 4S Apps to remove some move other duplicated contacts

2012年8月14日 星期二

Whatsapp refresh with IS Contact Import

1. Output the IS Contact to Excel file

2. Edit it e.g delete duplicate or add new contacts of mobile phone and name. Remember to add the Row Tile in the excel as heading

3. import this Edited IS Contact via Drop box and open by the IS Contacts to overwrite and delete the old contacts.

4. Make sure that to refresh the Favorites Contacts that made the Chats members coming out. May be this is very important procedure.

5. Please note when the Contacts replace by a new all contacts, in the Whatsapp information status cannot show up the details as not yet synconize the details. We can see the "Refresh Favorites" with running status.

2012年8月7日 星期二

How to use IS Contacts Kit to import output contacts telephone

Preparation: Need the following
on the jailbreak condition and cleaning up all the running programs

1. IS Contact App of iphone 4S
2. Dropbox
3. Contacts Kit
4. Excel

Function of IS Contacts Kit

1. Export
2. Quick Backup
3. Import Liabray

Handling procedures

1. use the Quick Backup to backup the whole contacts in iphone 4S until the "Contacts" file completed, and upload to dropbox.

2. download the "Contacts" file and edit by the Excel program, i.e. adding and delete the contacts. After modify then save or overwrite the "Contacts" file in the dropbox.

3. Open Dropbox and select this "Contacts" file  by specially selecting the Contacts Kit Apps to import into to the iphone. But note the following steps

4. Dropbox -> IS Contacts Kit -> Import ->
     a. Backup contacts before import "OFF",
     b. Replace "tick"
     c. Delete all contacts before import "On"

5. Importing Proceeding

6. Complete

2012年8月5日 星期日

problem of backup apps

apps bought from apps store
apps from ifanbox
apps from pp
apps from tui
apps from installus

by using itools backup apps very important as  jailbreak apps because itune cannot recover these jailbreak spps

problem of synconized contact to icloud or outlook

disconneted not synconized

2012年6月22日 星期五

Display Recorder Document Path (Jaibreak one)


this is the path in iFile

How to Trim Video recordered by Display Recorder

1. To record the game video by Display Recorder with internal recording sound. (this display recorder is not the one jailabreaked, can buy from App Store of iphone)

2. Use iFile to copy the game video from the Display Recorder into the Document of Video Editor and edit it and re-transfer to Camera Roll.

Preparations of softwares

1. Jaibreak the iphone 4S
2. Display Recorder bought from App Store
3. Video Editor bought from App Store

4. Display Recorder in .mp4 format
5. this is very useful for upload the selected part video into Youtube.

2012年6月16日 星期六

how correction of Multicleaner

use the sb setting to unhide the switcher bar and spring board, double  the switcher bar snd kill the tasks one by one
and use the memory managet to clean up all tasks again after thesse procedures  should recover multicleaner function again

2012年5月31日 星期四

Whatsapps SMS transfer to hk.yahoo.com

reprint out the Whatsapps SMS transfer to hk.yahoo.com and print it out.

2012年5月30日 星期三

Iphone IOS 5.1.1 Jailbreak - Backup all useful files

1. Use iTools to backup all the Apps with game status,
2. Use the Aid to backup all the AppBackup Tarballs. Path://var/mobile/library/preference
3. Use the iFile to backup all the useful documents self-created.
4. Use aid to copy all the Ht Professional recordings
5. Use aid to copy the whatsapp documents and library
6. use aid to copy the Display recorder file. path://var/mobile
7. Backup the document and library of the goodreader file

2012年2月3日 星期五

iPhone 4S & Ipad 2 jailbreak


iPhone 4S & Ipad 2 jailbreak


Substrate save mode - don't use it

Please don't use in cydia as it cause keep stay is safe mode and if not use. A lot apps will lose. Data will lose.

Mobile Substrate
If remove the mobile substrate will cause crash or cannot multicleaner all quit apps.
So it needs to reinstall multicleaner

Also if mobile substrate remove will cause to remove the SBSettings,
So it need to be install the SBSettings again.

3 G unrestrictor also missed

By the way don't use the Cloud sync because limited use momery 5g
If data in iphone 4 will cause cannot sync, that means the data keep old and recovery it lose a lot of new data.

2012年2月2日 星期四

2012年1月27日 星期五

Strategy of skill of survival bug heroes

Strategy of skill of survival bug heroes

1. Heroes weapons equipped status
2. Accepted duties on hand to earn money
a. To save refugee
b. To collect coins
c. To kill Queen Ant
d. To kill giant elephant
e. To kill 3  giant spiders
f. To skill giant black slug
g. To kill 3 giant worries
h. To kill giant 武士
I. To kill butterfly
j. To kill Grub Launcher

Skill to adjust time or delay the time to allow heroes to recover strength and built their weapons themselves.

To apply skill itself to skill enemies by use of
1. With help of selective weapons
2. Small detailed actions stay back and go forward to kill the enemies.
3. With help of bug bomb to exploded to clear up most of small enemies and freeze up their moments
4. Sequence of use of weapons efficiencies.
5. To accept or not accept the job duties depend on the extend if  strength of weapons and how many job duties on hand. 

6. Ant - life support for all 3 heroes in occasion times.
7. Teleport to escape quickly from the enemies. This is to reduce damages.
8. To use Howitzer  with Repulser wave when use Ant hero
9. to use the smoke and superior assassin when use spider hero

When there are many accepted job duties and coming enemies coming out. Do not accept more job duties.

2012年1月26日 星期四

iTune music path

C:\Users\ERICMOK\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music\Unknown Artist\Unknown Album

iTune music path

C:\Users\ERICMOK\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music\Unknown Artist\Unknown Album

iTune music path

C:\Users\ERICMOK\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music\Unknown Artist\Unknown Album

2012年1月25日 星期三

SBSettings to kill the apps cannot kill by multicleaner

SBSettings to kill the apps cannot kill by multicleaner

Run this SBSetting and found kill process and find the desired running program e.g. Music apps

implant mp3 to iphone - music player

1. download the .m4a file from doumi music
2. convert the .m4a into .mp3 by Magic m4a to mp3 converter
3. use the itune music to copy and paste into itune in computer
4. synconize the iphone or ipad then completion syconize the .mp3 can be played by music apps in iphone or ipad 2.

2012年1月24日 星期二

Bulk Rename Utility v2.7.0.3 - 複雜的批次更名

Bulk Rename Utility v2.7.0.3 - 複雜的批次更名

this software is very useful for rename the filename*****



2012年1月23日 星期一

Display recorder how to setting position

1. Display recorder setting
Rotation : Landscape Right --- then means left hand hold the top of iPhone 4S (camera & ear phone) and right hand hold the bottom of iPhone 4S (home bottom)
2. Video Format H.264
3. Video quality high
4. Scale full
5. Show taps hidden
6. Activation methods --- motion --- shake device tick

Add source in cydia : http://h7v.org ----- Banned iPhone

2012年1月21日 星期六

Bug Heroes Yard Hard New 攻略

1. Use life support in Ant To recover 3 heroes in the same time
2. Eat food to recover life of heroes to prevent die
The purpose of above is to prevent loss of money/ treasures to extend heroes' life. As no money heroes will die.
3. Others use personal skill to kill againts enemies and escape From enemies
4. Bug heroes need keep closed with suitable distance against the enemies, the purpose of this is allow the heroes have enough time to hear the message voice and to read the message appear on the left top corner and decide what to do next.
5. In case of surrounding by enemies and found very dangerous then use teleport to escape from enemies. This is to save life.
6. To fight against the vampires, to use the spider with help of superior assassin and smoke. Be careful after the vampire fight first then kill them.

2012年1月20日 星期五

Iphone 4s & Ipad 2 gsm ISO5.0.1 jailbreak la


