2012年1月27日 星期五

Strategy of skill of survival bug heroes

Strategy of skill of survival bug heroes

1. Heroes weapons equipped status
2. Accepted duties on hand to earn money
a. To save refugee
b. To collect coins
c. To kill Queen Ant
d. To kill giant elephant
e. To kill 3  giant spiders
f. To skill giant black slug
g. To kill 3 giant worries
h. To kill giant 武士
I. To kill butterfly
j. To kill Grub Launcher

Skill to adjust time or delay the time to allow heroes to recover strength and built their weapons themselves.

To apply skill itself to skill enemies by use of
1. With help of selective weapons
2. Small detailed actions stay back and go forward to kill the enemies.
3. With help of bug bomb to exploded to clear up most of small enemies and freeze up their moments
4. Sequence of use of weapons efficiencies.
5. To accept or not accept the job duties depend on the extend if  strength of weapons and how many job duties on hand. 

6. Ant - life support for all 3 heroes in occasion times.
7. Teleport to escape quickly from the enemies. This is to reduce damages.
8. To use Howitzer  with Repulser wave when use Ant hero
9. to use the smoke and superior assassin when use spider hero

When there are many accepted job duties and coming enemies coming out. Do not accept more job duties.
