2012年9月2日 星期日

Bug heroes Ant Spider Fly

New ideas which is effectively successed to survive by using Fly to move arround and to kill all enemies which is most helpful is to save more time to kill the Grub Luncher especially most important. And secondly is to kill the caterpillars less important comparing with Grub Luncher.

Two main Targets of prevention of death by Two Ways.

1st way : to use one time shotting weapons to kill the Grub Lancher and Caterpiller. 3 times each period.

a. Assassion Cut
b. Roulette
c. Plasma Cannon
d. Money shot
e. Assissin Bomb for Queen Ant

2nd way: to avoid danger of other enemies by using of faster skill or other tools.

a. Howtizer and Goggle to kill enemies
b. Assissin bomb to kill Queen Ant

other weapons to speed up

a. smoke
b. super assissin
c. fly - fast speed
d. fly - freezing tool

1. Ant - delay the time and slow up the each period

Goggle to search caterpillas and the Grub Lanchers.
Allow time to create food
Position of Ant at 30 degree left or right down from the Base Tower in front of you.

2. Fly - don't move arround too far will make many enemies coming out that may be difficult to kill them and will be dangerous to Bug Heroes.
Scoundrel delay time and save life

3. Spider - keep away from enemy especially vampires, to save "one time shoting weapons", and therefore use the Howitzer with help of Goggle

2. Target to kill the Caterpillas and Grub Luncher appeare 3times each moment.

1. Keep the weapons use to kill  the Caterpillas and Grub Luncher and not wasting to the other enemies.
a. Assassion Cut
b. Roulette
c. Plasma Cannon
d. Money shot
e. Assissin Bomb for Queen Ant


1. Beware of position of Gaint Snail
2. Beaware of Army Ant - Scoundel  to freez them
3. To maintain the stonger health of Bug Hereos  to avoid danger of Vampire, snail or Bumber Bee.
