2012年8月7日 星期二

How to use IS Contacts Kit to import output contacts telephone

Preparation: Need the following
on the jailbreak condition and cleaning up all the running programs

1. IS Contact App of iphone 4S
2. Dropbox
3. Contacts Kit
4. Excel

Function of IS Contacts Kit

1. Export
2. Quick Backup
3. Import Liabray

Handling procedures

1. use the Quick Backup to backup the whole contacts in iphone 4S until the "Contacts" file completed, and upload to dropbox.

2. download the "Contacts" file and edit by the Excel program, i.e. adding and delete the contacts. After modify then save or overwrite the "Contacts" file in the dropbox.

3. Open Dropbox and select this "Contacts" file  by specially selecting the Contacts Kit Apps to import into to the iphone. But note the following steps

4. Dropbox -> IS Contacts Kit -> Import ->
     a. Backup contacts before import "OFF",
     b. Replace "tick"
     c. Delete all contacts before import "On"

5. Importing Proceeding

6. Complete
