2011年11月4日 星期五

bug heroes yard hard new balance method

combination base tower very good balance methods

1. when butterfly or grub lancher
forcefield / bug bumb
forcefield / zapper


forcefield / bug bomb
forcefield / forcefield

2. when night time but no mention butterfly or grub lancher
machine gun / bug bumb
forcefield / zapper

3. when day time have sun light, no mention butterly or grub lancher
magnifier / bug bumb
forcefield / zapper

4. when night time might have the vampires come out
zapper / bug bumb
forcefield / zapper

5. when night time, bumberbee and vampires come out,
this situation is very dangerous, need to go to the base tower to use bug bomb explode it first to clear or slow down the enemies then use the combination below
zapper / bug bumb
machine gun / zapper

or even to put more power to freez the vampires and bumberbee
zapper / bug bumb
zapper / zapper

6. when there is safe condition but a lot of enemies
1. a lot of gaint elephants in day time, use
magnifier / bug bomb
magnifier / magnifier

2. a lot of enemies but heroes are weak ie no weapon in hand.
need by the of base tower to fight aginst of enemies in night time
when a lot of worries come out, use machine gun to clear the worries
use the better base gun to increase the efficiency or power of machine guns,
machine gun / bug bomb
machine gun / machine gun
