2011年11月5日 星期六

bug heroes hard yard new idea very successful

in the night time,maybe use the combination of base tower to save the quota of weapon and more powerful and efficent.

to use the charger in the night time, can increase the power of weapons in the base tower and weapons in the heroes's hand.

but in the day time, the charger no function, only work in the night time.

combination like this

1) at night time: a message saying : "night comming"
charger / bug bomb
machine gun / forcefiled

if vampire come out, try to use, note: vampire only appear at night time.
charge / bug bomb
zapper / forcefield

2) at day time: a message saying : "day comming"
magnifier / bug bomb
mchine gun / forcefiled

3) final i prefered is below created with cultivator to produce food surrounding the base tower. this what i wanted.

charger / bug bomb
forcefield / cultivator

please note: the move of left hand "zzz" small movement and right hand "target movement" like play "tichi" is very important. because the small continues movement is very useful distrub the bug's forus to the hero.

bug heroes combination i prefered

