2013年2月8日 星期五

Cydia information details


Banned iPhone

Url : http://h7v.org/
Description : We Host your Apps, Cracks Themes and Tones
Label : Banned iPhone
Suite : stable
Version : 1.2
Codename : stable
Architectures : darwin-arm
Components : main


Url :http://apt.thebigboss.org/repofiles/cydia/dists/stable
Description : Apps & Themes! We host your apps. Email me.
Label : BigBoss
Suite : stable
Version : 1.0
Codename : BigBoss
Architectures : iphoneos-arm
Components : main


Url : http://apt.saurik.com/dists/ios/793.00
Description : Distribution of Unix Software for iOS
Label : Cydia/Telesphoreo
Suite : stable
Version : 1.0r282
Codename : ios
Architectures : darwin-arm iphoneos-arm
Components : main


Url : http://apt.178.com/
Description : ç¬¬ä¸€ä¸­æ–‡æº | 您身边的全中文软件源!by:apt.178.com
Label : ç¬¬ä¸€ä¸­æ–‡æº
Suite : stable
Version : 1.0
Codename : 178
Architectures : iphoneos-arm
Components : main

Dev Team

Url : http://repo666.ultrasn0w.com/
Description : iPhone Dev Team
Label : Dev Team
Suite : stable
Version : 1.0
Architectures : iphoneos-arm
Components : main


Url : http://apt.modmyi.com/dists/stable
Description : ModMyi.com - we host your apps! Email us.
Label : ModMyi
Suite : stable
Version : 1.0
Codename : stable
Architectures : iphoneos-arm
Components : main

ZodTTD & MacCiti

Url :http://cydia.zodttd.com/repo/cydia/dists/stable
Description : ZodTTD.com & MacCiti.comPublic Repo
Label : ZodTTD & MacCiti
Suite : stable
Version : 1.0
Codename : stable
Architectures : iphoneos-arm
Components : main


178 源图标

Description : æºå›¾æ ‡æ˜¯ç”¨æ¥æ˜¾ç¤º178源中每个分类下软件左侧logo的,让您浏览起来更舒服,推荐安装!兼容所有cydia版本
Package : yuantubiao.178
Version : 1.4.4
Section : [178 - 其它]
Author : 178Team
Maintainer : 178 Team 
Architecture : iphoneos-arm
Depiction :http://apt.178.com/html/2012/0130/iphone6851.shtml
Homepage :http://apt.178.com/html/2012/0130/iphone6851.shtml

3G Unrestrictor (iOS 5 & 6)

Description : Now with FaceTime, iCloud Backup and PhotoStream on 3G support. Allows you to trick applications into thinking they are on WiFi even though they are on 3G and by this remove restrictions like not being able to use FaceTime on 3G or watch high quality YouTube videos.
Package : com.kstreich-dev.3gunrestrictor5
Version : 5.1-3
Section : System
Author : Kim Streich 
Maintainer : BigBoss 
Depends : mobilesubstrate (>= 0.9.3995)
Pre-Depends : firmware (>= 3.0)
Conflicts : com.crashx.unrestrictor3g
Architecture : iphoneos-arm
Installed-Size : 3421
Depiction :http://www.3gunrestrictor.com/depiction/
Homepage :http://www.3gunrestrictor.com/depiction/

7-zip (POSIX)

Description : claims to be a good compressor
Package : p7zip
Version : 4.57-3p
Section : Archiving
Maintainer : Jay Freeman (saurik) 
Architecture : iphoneos-arm
Installed-Size : 4328


Description : Centralized gestures, button and shortcut management for iOS
Package : libactivator
Version : 1.7.4
Section : System
Author : Ryan Petrich 
Maintainer : Ryan Petrich 
Replaces : com.booleanmagic.overboard (<= 1.1), com.ashman.lockinfo (<= 2.0.0-6), com.clezz.quickdo, com.clezz.quickdoipad, com.fuyuchi.missionboardpro (<= 1.3)
Depends : mobilesubstrate (>= 0.9.3228), preferenceloader (>= 2.0.4), firmware (>= 3.0)
Conflicts : com.booleanmagic.overboard (<= 1.1), com.ashman.lockinfo (<= 2.0.0-6), sbsettings (<= 3.0.6), com.clezz.quickdo, com.clezz.quickdoipad, com.clezz.clezzqd, com.fuyuchi.missionboardpro (<= 1.3)
Architecture : iphoneos-arm
Installed-Size : 2288
Depiction : http://rpetri.ch/cydia/activator/
Homepage : http://rpetri.ch/cydia/activator/


Description : Back-up/restore AppStore apps' data
Package : net.scott-wallace.iphone.appbackup
Version : 2.0.2-1
Section : Utilities
Author : Scott Zeid 
Maintainer : Scott Wallace 
Depends : bash, coreutils-bin, python (>= 2.5), python (<< 3.0)
Architecture : iphoneos-arm
Installed-Size : 575
Depiction :http://moreinfo.thebigboss.org/moreinfo/depiction.php?file=AppBackupDepictionData


Description : display informations about installed apps
Package : com.mileskabal.appinfo
Version : 1.5
Section : Utilities
Author : Miles 
Maintainer : BigBoss 
Depends : preferenceloader
Architecture : iphoneos-arm
Installed-Size : 694
Depiction :http://moreinfo.thebigboss.org/moreinfo/depiction.php?file=appinfoData
Homepage :http://moreinfo.thebigboss.org/moreinfo/depiction.php?file=appinfoData


Description : Allow extensions to read the list of installed apps
Package : applist
Version : 1.5.2
Section : System
Author : Ryan Petrich 
Maintainer : Ryan Petrich 
Depends : mobilesubstrate, firmware (>= 3.0)
Architecture : iphoneos-arm
Installed-Size : 156
Depiction :http://moreinfo.thebigboss.org/moreinfo/depiction.php?file=AppListDp

AppSync for IOS5/6

Description : AppSync是允许您安装破解软件的补丁。
Package : appsync50plus2.178
Version : 2.2
Section : [178 - 破解]
Author : Dissident 
Maintainer : 178 Team 
Replaces : us.hackulo.appsync50
Pre-Depends : firmware (>= 5.0), mobilesubstrate
Conflicts : us.hackulo.appsync50, us.hackulo.appsync50, com.xsellize.appsync50, com.xsellize.appsync50plus, us.hackulo.appsync50plus, appsync50plus.178
Provides : appsync
Architecture : iphoneos-arm
Depiction :http://apt.178.com/html/2013/0204/iphone8801.shtml
Homepage :http://apt.178.com/html/2013/0204/iphone8801.shtml

APR (/usr/lib)

Description : just the /usr/lib folder from APR
Package : apr-lib
Version : 1.3.3-2
Section : Development
Maintainer : Jay Freeman (saurik) 
Replaces : apr (<< 1.3.3-4)
Pre-Depends : dpkg (>= 1.14.25-8)
Architecture : iphoneos-arm
Installed-Size : 176
Homepage : http://apr.apache.org/

APT 0.7 (apt-key)

Description : repository encryption key management tool
Package : apt7-key
Version :
Section : Packaging
Maintainer : Jay Freeman (saurik) 
Replaces : apt (<< 1:0-1), apt7 (<<
Depends : apt7-lib (>=
Pre-Depends : dpkg (>= 1.14.25-8)
Architecture : iphoneos-arm
Installed-Size : 28

APT 0.7 HTTPS Method

Description : advanced packaging from Debian /via SSL/
Package : apt7-ssl
Version :
Section : Packaging
Maintainer : Jay Freeman (saurik) 
Replaces : apt (<< 1:0-1), apt7 (<<
Depends : apt7-lib (>=, curl
Pre-Depends : dpkg (>= 1.14.25-8)
Architecture : iphoneos-arm
Installed-Size : 64

APT 0.7 Strict

Description : the advanced packaging tool from Debian
Package : apt7
Version :
Section : Packaging
Maintainer : Jay Freeman (saurik) 
Replaces : apt (<< 1:0-1)
Depends : apt7-key, apt7-lib (>=, apt7-ssl, berkeleydb
Pre-Depends : dpkg (>= 1.14.25-8)
Architecture : iphoneos-arm
Installed-Size : 1064

APT 0.7 Strict (lib)

Description : the advanced packaging library from Debian
Package : apt7-lib
Version :
Section : Packaging
Maintainer : Jay Freeman (saurik) 
Replaces : apt (<< 1:0-1), apt7 (<<
Depends : bzip2, dpkg (>= 1.14.25-9), gnupg, gzip, lzma
Pre-Depends : dpkg (>= 1.14.25-8)
Architecture : iphoneos-arm
Installed-Size : 1688

Base Structure

Description : underlying system directory structure
Package : base
Version : 1-4
Section : System
Maintainer : Jay Freeman (saurik) 
Pre-Depends : dpkg (>= 1.14.25-8)
Architecture : iphoneos-arm
Installed-Size : 264

Berkeley DB

Description : Oracle's embeddable database engine
Package : berkeleydb
Version : 4.6.21-4p
Section : Data_Storage
Maintainer : Jay Freeman (saurik) 
Architecture : iphoneos-arm
Installed-Size : 1620
Homepage :http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/berkeley-db/index.html

BigBoss Icon Set

Description : locally cached package icons from BigBoss
Package : org.thebigboss.repo.icons
Version : 1.0
Section : Repositories
Maintainer : BigBoss 
Replaces : cydia, bigboss
Architecture : iphoneos-arm
Installed-Size : 48

Bourne-Again SHell

Description : the best shell ever, written by Brian Fox
Package : bash
Version : 4.0.17-13
Section : Terminal_Support
Maintainer : Jay Freeman (saurik) 
Depends : grep, ncurses, readline (>= 6.0-7), sed
Architecture : iphoneos-arm
Installed-Size : 572
Homepage :http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/


Description : compression that's slightly better than gzip
Package : bzip2
Version : 1.0.5-7
Section : Archiving
Maintainer : Jay Freeman (saurik) 
Architecture : iphoneos-arm
Installed-Size : 76
Homepage : http://www.bzip.org/

Core Utilities (/bin)

Description : just the /bin folder from GNU coreutils
Package : coreutils-bin
Version : 8.12-7p
Section : Utilities
Maintainer : Jay Freeman (saurik) 
Replaces : shell-cmds (<< 118-5), coreutils (<= 7.2-9)
Provides : dirname, kill, mktemp, su
Architecture : iphoneos-arm
Installed-Size : 2980
Homepage :http://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/


Description : flexible multi-protocol file transfers
Package : curl
Version : 7.25.0-7p
Section : Networking
