2012年8月30日 星期四

Bug heroes deluxe no treasure skill

1.  Circular movement 打轉 with help of speeding up tools arround the base tower very important
This purpose to avoid enemy's weapons.
2. To build up food by not accepting too many tasks in the same time
3. Use 2 machine guns in base towers but after have enough money arround 4000 to 5000dollars to change forcefiled and firecracker
4. Use cuticator and bug bomb in base tower

2012年8月22日 星期三

2012年8月21日 星期二

Remove single column mobile no by manually

1. Select the disired column mobile phone no.

2. use the function left (text, 4 letters) and right (text, 4 letters) to sort out the numbers

3. to concentate the left and right number

4. use if (text = lower text) then sort out duplicate, totally use 4 if functions

5. after that use copy and paste function to fix the value.

6. insert a 2nd column of heading, a0001, a0002, a0003...... to create a header so that allow sorting out the duplicate value and delete by comparing manually.

2012年8月20日 星期一

How to add up additional phone numbers without affecting orignal telephones

How to add up additional phone numbers without affecting orignal telephones

Step 1

1. Edit Excel IS Contacts Kit phone list by just keeping the header and delete all the other phones

2. Add Last Name, First Name, Phone 1 Lable: Mobile and Phone1 numbers

3. Save to Dropbox

Setp 2

1. Open Dropbox and selected to open IS Contact Kit
2. Add the Imported just edit excel phone number above and
3. Keep OFF in Backup contacts before import
4. Keep OFF in Delete all contacts before import
5. Start the procedure.
6. End

2012年8月15日 星期三

How to remove duplicate in Row by Excel and other softwares

1. open the contact excel file in Windows 7

2. choice data

3. remove duplicate and keep default selected all

4. to confirm remove duplicated items by entering confirmed key.

5. Done

6. After removing by Excel

7. and to use Remove Duplicate Contacts and Events v.5.1.1 in Iphone 4S Apps to remove some move other duplicated contacts

2012年8月14日 星期二

Whatsapp refresh with IS Contact Import

1. Output the IS Contact to Excel file

2. Edit it e.g delete duplicate or add new contacts of mobile phone and name. Remember to add the Row Tile in the excel as heading

3. import this Edited IS Contact via Drop box and open by the IS Contacts to overwrite and delete the old contacts.

4. Make sure that to refresh the Favorites Contacts that made the Chats members coming out. May be this is very important procedure.

5. Please note when the Contacts replace by a new all contacts, in the Whatsapp information status cannot show up the details as not yet synconize the details. We can see the "Refresh Favorites" with running status.

2012年8月7日 星期二

How to use IS Contacts Kit to import output contacts telephone

Preparation: Need the following
on the jailbreak condition and cleaning up all the running programs

1. IS Contact App of iphone 4S
2. Dropbox
3. Contacts Kit
4. Excel

Function of IS Contacts Kit

1. Export
2. Quick Backup
3. Import Liabray

Handling procedures

1. use the Quick Backup to backup the whole contacts in iphone 4S until the "Contacts" file completed, and upload to dropbox.

2. download the "Contacts" file and edit by the Excel program, i.e. adding and delete the contacts. After modify then save or overwrite the "Contacts" file in the dropbox.

3. Open Dropbox and select this "Contacts" file  by specially selecting the Contacts Kit Apps to import into to the iphone. But note the following steps

4. Dropbox -> IS Contacts Kit -> Import ->
     a. Backup contacts before import "OFF",
     b. Replace "tick"
     c. Delete all contacts before import "On"

5. Importing Proceeding

6. Complete

2012年8月5日 星期日

problem of backup apps

apps bought from apps store
apps from ifanbox
apps from pp
apps from tui
apps from installus

by using itools backup apps very important as  jailbreak apps because itune cannot recover these jailbreak spps

problem of synconized contact to icloud or outlook

disconneted not synconized