2011年4月19日 星期二

Bug Heroes Survival Guide and Strategies - Eric Mok

No. Points to follows
a01 Buy Foods and Keep Life
a02 Increase Lucky Shot First - important, then add Speed
a03 Base tower full equiped 2 MG 2 Snipers Sniper MG
a04 Add Goggle is workable and useful, more wide angle MG Sniper
a05 Buy food storage - full 10 levels
a06 Lead the enemies to Base Tower
a07 Ant Hole - Escape/deliver foods
a08 Switch Ant / Spider
a09 Repluse Waves
a10 Howitzer 1 time only
a11 Notice to Acceptance and Reject
a12 Don't near the Cat
a13 Keep distance to the Scorpian
a14 Use Ant Hole to escape from Scorpian
a15 Beware of Cockroach guns
a16 Keep away from the Base Tower
a17 Ant kill the Glub
a18 Adrenaline
a19 Earthquake Jump 1 time only
a20 Poison Cloud
a21 Assissin Cut 1 time only
a22 Goggle
a23 Teleporter - beware small spiders
a24 Map - Keep away from death end
a25 Map - Care the Barriers Locations
a26 Draw Map to remember supported guns
a27 To ensure support gun not catched
a28 Note: 2 Armors Protect Qeen Ant
a29 Burrow Mines kill Siege Maggot
a30 Select or non-select assigned actions
a31 Giant Siege Grub - Use Shield Bash
a32 Assissin Bomb - See Centipede use immediately.
a33 When heard "Bug eating a food" & return back Base Tower immediately.
a34 Bug Bombs to replace MG when Urgent
a35 To Kill Grubs Lancher Urgent by Earthque Jump & Twin Swords
a36 Excutioner cannot kill Gaint Spider
a37 Note: Ant Hole need to place No.1 and Teleporter place No.2
a39 Don't easy found happy or successful or found strong enough if bought all weapons
a40 The main point is to make balance of purchase Base Tower MG and food storage.

NO. Win Price to add first
Ant - add Speed
Spider - add Speed
Beettle - add Stun

No. Emergency Use
Plasma Cannon
Smash EM
Earthque Jump

No. Targets
b01 Save Slave to earn money
b02 kill the spported gun man
b03 Collect foods
b04 Collect coins
b05 Gaint Spider - Use Smash EM / Swords
b06 Kill the Ant King
b07 Centipede - Assassin Bomb, EM, Howitzer
b08 Bumblebee - Use Howitzer
b09 Elephant Snail - Use Howitzer
b10 Slug - Rifle
b11 Gaint Siege Grub - Use Shield
b12 Grub Lancher - Use Smash EM Superior Assassin
b13 Scorpian - Ant Hole
b14 Don't choice Flea Gunner Term - assigned action
b15 Use Plasma Cannon to kill the Stations
b16 Stations: Qeen Ant, Gaint Spider, Grub Lancher
b17 See the Grey Egg - need break it - maybe Butterfly eat foods
b18 Superior Assassin - use to slow down enemies to reach the Target, Queen Ant
b19 Earthque Jump - Freez all enemies, use Spider to move to Target and use Smash EM
b20 Ant Hole cannot be made in front of and near the Base Tower or will out of order
b21 Once find the Scorpain need to use Howitzer to kill immediately

No. Tools Name Price 4 Tools Heroes
c01 Howitzer 1500 A01 01 Ant ANT
c02 Plasma Cannon / Burrow Mines 500 A02 01 Ant
c03 Ant Hole / Goggle / Repular Waves 400-800 A03 01 Ant
c04 Shoulder 400 A04 01 Ant
c05 Assassin Cut 1500 S01 02 Spider SPIDER
c06 Executioner 800 S02 02 Spider
c07 Assassin Bomb 800 S03 02 Spider
c08 Superior Assissin 1200 S04 02 Spider
c09 Earthquake Jump 800 B01 03 Beettle BEETTLE
c10 Smash EM 800 B02 03 Beettle
c11 Adrenaline 800 B03 03 Beettle
c12 Shield 600 B04 03 Beettle
c13 Repular Waves 500 Ant
c14 Teleporter 400 Ant
c15 Burrow Mines 800 Ant
c16 Entrench 700 Ant
c17 Colossus 1500 Beettle
c18 Stick 200-1500 Beettle
c19 Shockwaves 1000 Beettle
c20 Iron Hood 1000 Spider
c21 Twin Swords 800-1500 Spider
c22 Superior Assissin 800 Spider
c23 Speed Free
c24 Rifle 200-1500
c25 Sniper 200-1500
c26 Lucky Shot Free
c27 life HP Free
c28 Goggle

No. Base Tower Level 1- 5
d01 Machine Gun
d02 Zapper
d03 Sniper
d04 Bug Bomb
d05 Fire Crecker
d06 Laser
d07 Magnifier
d08 Forcefiled
d09 Eat Food

No. Enemies
e03 SIEGE MAGGOT (toung)
e05 GRUB (skin)
e06 SLUG (green)
e09 VAMPIRE BUG (pin fook)
e13 GRUB LAUCHER (throw the grub into food stash)
e15 QUEEN ANT - Produce Warriors

No. Enemies
f07 CATERPILLAR (will be come Butterfly)
f08 CENTIPEDE (ng kung)
f13 FLEA GUNNER TEAM (till sup)

1 Hero Ant Price Extention
g01 Rifle 800 Medium
g02 Life Support 800 100
g03 Shoulder Turret 700 40
g04 Porta-Turret 600 60
g05 Better Base Guns 800 120
g06 Repulsar Waves 500 40
g07 Ant Hole 400 30
g08 Teleporter 400 20
g09 Burrow Mines 800 45
g10 Entrench 700 60
g11 Plasma Cannon 1000 Heavy 60
g12 Howitzer 1500 Very Heavy 150
g13 Goggles 800 80
g14 Big Bullets 1000 5% increase 80

2 Hero Bettle Price Extention Time(sec)
h01 Stick 800 Medium
h02 Adrenaline 800 40
h03 Shield 600 Low 50
h04 Warrior Gauntlet 800 Medium-Heavy 60
h05 Stampede - Charge a straight line 800 Medium-Heavy 60
h06 Squash 'Em 800 Massive 60
h07 Earthquake Jump 800 100
h08 Shockwaves 1000 Medium 100
h09 Colossus 1500 70
h10 Berzerk - Extra damage 800 70
h11 Repel - 30% knock back 600 60
h12 Regen - Increase health regenation 800 80

3 Hero Spider Price Extention Time (sec)
i01 Twin Swords 800 Heavy
i02 Snare Web 600 80
i03 Superior Assassin 800 60
i04 Night Hunter 800 100
i05 Executioner 800 Havey
i06 Poison Colud 800 60
i07 Iron Hood - Resistance to small bugs 1000 60
i08 Assassin Bomb 800 Extreme
i09 Assassin Cut 1500 Very Heavy
i10 Ninja Smoke - catch enemies off guard 400 15
i11 Wolf Spider Pistols - Dual pistols 1200 Havey

4 Hero Fly
Big Pistols 800
Pick-Pocket 700 extra 15 gold 80
Barter 800 carrying food use $300
Quick Draw 800 slow up time 25
Drunkard 700 double damage 40
Scoundrel 800 double damage 80
Spinning Shot 600 lock back 30
Money Shot 800 heavy 20 use $100
Roulette 800 random 70
Gamble 1000 larger area 30 use $100 to heal 75 HPS

Type 1 Enemies types
Eat Food
Siege Maggot
Centipede - become Butterfly
Red colour one

Type 2 Have Loops
Amor Ant
Amay ant

Type 3 Poison

Type 4 Cocach
Pill Bug
Army Flea

Type 5 Stations
Qeen Ant
Giant Spider

Tape 6 Bumblebee

No. Important Tools in Yard
Eat food - full MG MG
Ant Hole
Assassin Cut
Smash EM Sniper MG
Superior Assassin MG Bug Bomb
Plasma Cannon
Burrow Mines Forcefield MG
Sniper Magnifer
Important Tools in Playground
Smash EM
Rifle Ugrade 800
Ant Hole
Burrow Mines
Assassin Bomb


Grub Lancher - when hear : bugs wating the food & iphone vibrate means stole food
Butterly sheel (more triangluar)
Big Spider
Queen Ant - produce weapons
Gaint Snail - Produce orange bugs
Bumblebee - Use Earthque Dump

Shockwave - what the function

No. Most Dangerous Enemies
p01 Queen Ant - Ant Warroir - Armor Ant - Most Important
p02 Gaint Grubs - Second Important
p03 Siege Maggots - Third Important
p04 Centipede
p05 Gaint Snails

y01 Gaint Grubs & Siege Moggots
y02 Gaint Grub 01 Excutioner
y03 Gaint Grub 02 Squash EM
y04 Gaint Grub 03 Burrow Mines
y05 Gaint Grub 04 Stampede
y06 Gaint Grub 05 Squash EM
y07 Siege Moggots
y08 Siege Moggot 01 Earthque Jump / Howitzer / Spider Twin Swords
y09 Siege Moggot 02 Earthque Jump / Howitzer / Spider Twin Swords
y10 Siege Moggot 03 Earthque Jump / Howitzer / Spider Twin Swords
y12 Centipede Assissin Bomb

Early State - to build up Base Tower and Food
q01 2 MG & 2 Snipers - one MG full first, then follow by others
q02 Full foods
q03 Ant Hole - return Base Tower
q04 Teleport - switch to target to Queen Ant & Slave, other better saver place ie reduce damges

q05 Assassin Cut - Queen Ant
q06 Rifle 800 become stronger and self-protected
q07 Spider - Twin Swords - Strong and self-protected
q08 Better Base Guns
q09 Earthque Jump
q10 Howitzer - To clean up / Kill dangerous Grubs and Siege Maggots, Scorpians, Big Spider
q11 Superior Assassin - reduce speed of Enemies
q12 Assassin Bomb - to kill Centipede
q13 Burrow Mines - to explose the Grubs, Siege Maggots
q14 Goggle

q15 Plasma Cannon
q16 Squash EM
q17 Excutioner

q18 Adrenaline
q19 Shield
q20 Warrior Gauntlet
q21 Stampede
q22 Shockwaves
q23 Colossus

q24 Life Support
q25 Porta-Turret
q26 Repulsar Waves

New Ideas for Bug Heroes - Yard Easy Level 34 archived
r01 Base Tower - 4 MG only - purpose fast shoting Small Grubs - need stay near the Base Tower
r02 Hero Ant
r03 Ant Hole
r04 Teleporter - Save Slave MG - full MG- 2000
r05 Howitzer MG-800 MG-1500
r06 Better Base Guns
r07 Rifle 800
r08 Life Support - when Level 20 reached
r10 Hero Spider
r11 Assassin Cut
r12 Excutioner
r13 Assassin Bomb
r14 Superior Assassin
r15 Snare Web
r16 Hero Beettle
r17 Earthque Jump
r18 Squash EM Use to Kill Queen Ant
r19 Stampede
r20 Shield
r22 Hero Ant - only fight in the front direction do not turn to back side cannot see at the back
r23 Balaced to use money.'e.g. Buy rifle 800 and at the meantime build up the Base Tower.
r24 Decide to accept assigned duty depend on whether have weapons to handle then decide
r25 When Grub Lancher wording appear, count 3 sec then use Earthque Jump to freez & search it
r26 when Food become less, use Howitzer kill enemies & afterwards use spider to search food
r27 Remember to use Life Suport to reborn life.

Yard Easy reached Level 54
Very Important how to arrange to use the limited of money earned.
Important idea is to use the Budget of Money
Use every $1600 to build up the Base Tower & Use every $1600 and buy the following

No. Items Weapons Base Tower
s01 3 MG x $200 = 600 - Base Tower 600
s02 Ant Hole 400
s03 Buy Teleporter 400
s04 MG - Base Tower 800
s05 Rifle 800
s06 Assassin Bomb 800
s07 Squash EM 800
s08 Base Tower 1600
s09 Howitzer 1500
s10 Stampede 800
s11 Max MG - Base Tower 2000
s12 Life Support 800
s13 Better Base Gun 800
s14 Max MG - Base Tower 2000
s15 Rifle 1500
s16 Assassin Cut 1500
s17 Colossus 1500
s18 Max MG - Base Tower 2000
s19 Max MG - Base Tower 2000
Total to Buy 11600 11000

Yard Easy Level 76 Reached

No. Items
a01 Ant
a02 Spider
a03 Fly

No. Base Tower Used Max
b01 Sniper MG
b02 MG Magnifier
b03 Food Max

No. Items Orders others
1 Scoundrel a20
3 Superior Assassin a13
4 Assassin Bomb a14
5 Executioner a16
6 Assassin Cut a15
7 Better Base Gun a05
8 Plasma Cannon a08
9 Burrow Mines a09
10 Howitzer a07
11 Life Support a06
12 Teleporter a04
13 Goggle a02
14 Rifle Max a03
15 Pistols Max a19
16 Twin Sword Max a12
17 Ant tools used a01
18 Spider a11
19 Fly a18

Only Time only Tools
Assassin Bomb
Assassin Cut
Plasma Cannon
Burrow Mine

Continues Tools
Fly + Scoundrel
Superior Assassin + Twin Swords
Rifle 800 - 1500
Life Support

Base Tower

Snipper / MG
Snipper / Magnifier

Sniper / MG
MG / Magnifier

Ant Hole & Teleporter avoid damages
