2015年12月21日 星期一

2015年12月13日 星期日

video apps

1) DoDa
2) Video Pro
3) Amerigo
4) Video D/L
5) AV Download

1) iConvt
2) iConvt-2Audio
3) Trim & Cut
4) Compress
5) Rotate & Flip
6) Twisted Wave

2015年12月4日 星期五

ipa video important

A) Download Cydia apps for HD video

1) Safari Downloader Plus
2) Chrome Downloader Plus
3) YouTube +


B) App Store apps

1) Doda                        - for creating path of .m3u8
2)Video D/L (PRO) blue color icon    - for creating path of .m3.u8

3) Video Pro (Old) orange color icon - for downloading mms://

4) Video Pro (Dimond icon) - audio, youtube with original file name, video, .m3u8

5) Video Pro (Batterfly icon) for youtube only with original file name

6) Vidoe Plus for youtube only with original file name

C) change the browser agent to Safari PC, after changing, can download video like 611 or Vimeo

1) DaDo 
2) TD Downloader

2015年10月26日 星期一

Don't install biolockdown

Caused hang

Jailbreak 6s and install Cydia Apps

Shift Recovery and select recovery seed
but note that if recovery before it will delete and put into Rin,
so need to recover back again.
To Set Up iPhone 6s
choose network
new iphone
input Apple ID and Password
zoom big
start to use … appear
To use PUGU v1.1 to jailbreak
Start at6:28pm
find iCloud and turn off find my iPhone
turn off password
turn off auto lock and change never off
enable airplan mode
auto reboot
unlock devise and airplan mode off
press pugu and accept acess photo
jailbreak success
running Cydia
turn on wifi
run Cydia
First to install iFile including files:
7-zip (POSIX)
To add Source:
install DebBackup2 for backing up the .deb
Core Utilities
Cydia Subtrate
Erica Utilities
Substrate Safe Mode
Go to Settings
Auto-Backup Backgroud ON
User Dropbox-Uploader ON
after install DebBackup2 then delete this source to avoid updating the old apps
Add Source http://cydia.angelxwind.net
Karen's Pineapple Repo
1AppSync Unified
for install old apps
2Apple File Conduit 2
3House Arrest Fix
to install Dismiss Progress
To use iMazing to add the ded file if have seeds of backup sometime ago.
to install all cydia apps manually.
copy back to iFile and paste on Doument folder

2015年10月24日 星期六

DebBackup 2


Would you like DebBkup2 on your iDevice?


http://DJHartley.myrepospace.com/ to your Cydia Sources

2015年10月20日 星期二

.deb path in Cydia


Can copy through iMazing/ DiskAid

3G Unrestricted released today 2015-10-23 at 1:31pm

Jailbreak released dated 2015-10-14

EasyRespring is useful for reboot iPhone.

2015年10月14日 星期三

Jailbreak ISO9.0.2 by Pugu

1) iFile
2) Apple File Conduit 2
3) House Arrest Fix
4) Filza File Manager
5) Save Mode launcher - important if Cydia cannot work
6) ipa installer

2015年6月25日 星期四

prepare to jailbreak ios8.3 in iPhone 6

Cydia Apps compliable

1. iFile

2. Supper Recorder

3. Apple File Conduit "2" (important)

4. Appsync for iOS8 (important)

4. House Arrest Fix
 (from BigBoss (Tweaks)

5. 3G Unrestrictor

6. CCSettings 8 (Toggles per line 6)

7. CCHide (to hide Media Controls, AirDrop/AirPlay)

8. Five-Collumn

9. BackItUp

10. Virtual Home

11. Five-incon Dock xxxxx remove it

12. iCleaner

13. 華康少女字體

14. Byta Fonts


16. CCLoader

17. Activator

18. Dismiss Prgress (no need respring)

19. InfiniBoard (unstable)

20. PKGBackup (installed not yet try)

21. Online (crash)

22. ipa Installer (installed not yet try)

After jaibreak with TaiG

1. add source:

2. http://hacx.org/repo Supper recording

3. http://limneos.net/repo

4. http://apt.178.com for iOS sync 8 installing old Apps

5.http://apt.xbyy.cn for AFC2


Preparing to jailbreak ios8.3 in iPhone 6

1. backup iPhone 6 with iTune

2. download TaiG 2.13

3. remove old Whatsapp in iCloud and upload to iCloud.

4. Turn to Auto-Lock to Never mode,

5. forwarding to another telephonne no. to avoid incoming call.

6. remove passcode of locking iphone

7. change 4G sim card to iPhone 5 for internet connection

8. PKGbackup the Cydia apps and other options with backup DEB files,
by backup to local storage and copy backup computer.

9. bareware iTune version comflict

10. backup iPhone apps with data storage slectively if important one.

11. iPhone 6 need sim card

12. Download iOS8.3 through Windows iTune. current version 12.01
need arround 60 mins to download.

13. unlock the finger print,
and turn Passcode Off

14. unlock Android Lock XT

15. take photos of Cydia App in Settings 3 pages and email out for later reference.

16. AppInfo email out for later reference
a. pakages details and simple list

17. AppInfo: Spring Board Cydia

18. To turn off Find My iPhone,
go to Settings > iCloud > Find My iPhone > Click to turn off.




PKGBackup under User\Libray\preferences\PKGBackup

After installed the following become STABLE

libxml2 Library
SQLite 3.x
SQLite 3.x Library
XML Prser Toolkit

Problems caused unstable because when we killed the running Apps may delete some tweaks, so we try to to re-install those tweaks, we need to do Lille this way: 

1) try to delete AppBackup for experiment by Cydia delete,

2) then we install the AppBackup again in Cydia, we we will find the following tweaks lost and will install again.

libxml2 Library
SQLite 3.x
SQLite 3.x Library
XML Prser Toolkit

And re-install TaiG 8.1.3-8.3x Untether 

After reinstall, it will become stable now.


Use iTools to view, copy and paste document is iOS8.3, give us a clear path,

other software cannot view, DiskAid can view in very difficult way, in the root documents.



How to Resolve the Apple Driver Hasn’t Been Found Error

So if you are getting the error too, then follow the below-given steps to resolve the issue –
  1. Ensure that your Windows is a 64-bit version and has the latest version of iTunes installed in it. If your iTunes is outdated, you can download the latest up-to-date version from Apple directly from this link.
  2. Go to this link and download the 64-bit driver for iTunes for Windows. It will be named as iTunesDriver64_0205.exe. Once download, install it.
  3. Now download the latest TaiG 2.1.3 jailbreak tool (if jailbreaking an iOS 8.3 device) or get the TaiG 2.2.0 (if you are on iOS 8.4).
  4. After the TaiG tool has been downloaded, launch it and start the jailbreak process. Now you will not receive any error saying Apple driver hasn’t been found. 

2015年6月4日 星期四

Unstable Display caused by CCSettings 8 in iPhone 6 remove Overboard

,Unstable Display caused by CCSettings 8 in iPhone 6

1) to remove the CCSetting 8 in Cydia.

2) add files back to Documents of Oplayer if needed.

3) re-instal CCSetting 8 in Cydia

4) reboot again.

5) Remove Overboard

6)delete Keyboard settings of Chinese handwriting and Chinese simplified handwriting and add them again to reset the memory locations which hang.

7) backup Whatsapp to iCoud and delete it and install Whatsapp again and restore from iCoud. This will smooth the hang problem. However, it will lose all video as the video will not backup to iCoud.

2015年6月2日 星期二

Reset All Settings in iPhone 6

1) After reset all settings in iPhone 6

1) SBrotaor 8 restore to Disable, rotate SpringBoard Disable, Rotate LockScreen Disable

2) Five-Column SB enable

3) CCSettings 5
a) Wi-Fi
b) Personal Hostspot
c) LTE
d) Airplane Mode
e) Orientation Lock
f) Kill Background
g) Cellular Data
h) Screen Shot
i) Reboot
j) Respring
k) Bluetooth
l) Lock
m) Mute
n) Do not Disturb

4) General > Accessibility > Larger Text > before middle level

5) Display & Brightness > View > Zoomed > to use Zoomed

2015年2月15日 星期日

Chrome Browser

Can copy the download link from the Chrome  browser 

2015年2月5日 星期四


隨著我 愛一直都在
陪著我 愛一直都在
Forever love forever more 
Forever love forever  more 

神的作為 是多麼美好
神的大能 是多麼奇妙
小山可以遷移 大山可以挪開
神的作為 是多麼美好
神的大能 是多麼奇妙
神的kindness 處處都在

2015年2月3日 星期二


讀著馬克‧尉克勒和夫人帕蒂合寫《疾風細語──如何聆聽神的聲音》(How to Hear God's Voice,台福傳播中心出版),忍不住會心一笑。不是頭一次閱讀馬克‧尉克勒牧師寫的書。曾有一陣子,我熱切地蒐集且閱讀他寫的書;不是因為他提供許多個人獨到深見,而是因為他有個特別的恩賜,能夠針對主題,周全地蒐集資料,並能周詳且簡明地表達,提供讀者具體可行之道。
























2015年1月13日 星期二


小組長要懂得做醫治釋放 30/11的小組長按立餐會中,牧師分享,小組長要懂得為 組員作醫治釋放,善用醫治釋放這項牧養兵器 
一 · 小組長
你要會做醫治釋放 醫治釋放要做多少次才夠呢?
醫治釋放是一個權能的服事,將仇敵趕出去,讓人得醫治 · 得釋放 · 邪靈出去都會再回來,那怎樣叫牠們不會再回來呢?就是用神的説話,接受醫治釋放後,就要大量讀神的話,你裡面有神的說話,有聖靈掌管,用神的話來思想,那魔鬼就沒辦法在你身上找到任何途徑可以進去,很多時候仇敵進來是透過你的思想和心思意念,若你不懂拒絕牠,你慢慢就會變成仇敵的思想了 ·

二 · 小組長
你要懂得 為組員作醫治釋放,組員的邪靈走了 絪綁沒了 你再鼓勵他 讀經回主崇當他心思意念裡充滿神的話他就很陽光很 有神的同在,魔鬼仇敵就不可以再來控制他所以醫治釋放和 神的話語一定要彼此配合,如果沒有神的話語,接受一百次醫治釋放效果都是有限的,所以小組長牧養的秘訣,就是要懂得 為組員作醫治釋放,之後再鼓勵組員讀聖經,這樣你的小組就 會很輕省 · 很發旺 。