2012年10月12日 星期五

2012年10月11日 星期四

Sortings of Apps under the use of Over Board

Nine individual sorted Apps

Background Used Apps
1. OverBoad
2. Settings
3. Phone
4. XSysInfo
5. iFile

1A. Common use and very important or use frequently.

1. Internal Callenda,
2. Photo
3. We Chat
4. Message
5. Mail
6. Contacts
7. Facebook
8. iMailG
9. WhatsApp
10. HT Recorder
11. Music
12. Camera
13. Mindjet
14. Calculator
15. aNote
16. Notes
17. Compass
18. Safari
19. Maps

2B. Broswers & Translators

1. Photon
2. OPera Mini
3. Puffin
4. VDownload
5. Chrome
6. Stocks
7. SMS2Mail
8. myTV
9. Appledaily
10. Google+
11. YouKu
12. You Tube by Google
13. Translate
14. CamDictionaryFree
15. MingPo
16. YouTube internal
17. Fast Translate

3C. Jailbreak tools and Free Software App Centres
1. Cydia
2. Quick Install Shop
3. PP assistant
4. iFanBox
5. App Store
6. Tui
7. Installous
8. Apple Retails
9. Apple Store
10. PP assistant link

4D. Effeciency and Backup Tools
1. Memory Manager
2. AppBackup
3. DataDeposit
4. Unrestricor 3G
5. MyWi
6. iSHSHit
7. xBackup
8. Activator
9. iCleaner
10. AppInfo
11. RcognizeMe
12. SBSettings
13. USB Drive
14. MutilCleaner

5F. PDF Convertor or Revertor, Reader, Numbers
2. PDF To Text
3. PDF Convertor
4. PDF Printer
5. Goodreader
6. Numbers
7. TurboScan+
8. PDF Expert
9. PDF Spilicer
10. Text Translator
11. File Viewer

6G. Contacts Backup,
1. MS Contacts Kit
2. Group
3. Skype
4. Genius Dialer
5. Verber
6. iSmart DialD
7. Line
8. Reminder internal
9. Contacts Sync
10. CJournal
11. ContactCleaner

7H. Display Recorder, Music, Video Editor
1. Display Recorder - Jailbreak one
2. Display Recorder - From App Store but not appeared now
3. EQu
4. DuoMei music
5. Video Editor
6. Voice Memo
7. SkyRecorder
8. iTune
9. Videos - Internal built
10. Music Player
11. Movie Player
12. Recorder Plus
13. Quick Record
14. GPlayer
15. HaiMei Music

8I. Dropbox, File Manger
1. Dropbox
2. DL Dropbox
3. iLoader
4. DropManager
5. Bump
6. Instamail
7. File Manager

9J. Mortgage Calculator Tools & Banking Tools
1. Midland Mortgage Calculator
2. Midland Property hanout
3. QRReader
4. Bakodo
5. World Clock
6. Clock - Internal Built
10. My Cal HK
11. Wealther
12. iris.gov.hk
13. Ticketing
14. Heart Fitness

10K. Internet Expoler, Safari, Jailbreak News

10H. Games
1. BH Deluxe
2. Bug Heroes
3. Gun Bros
4. Water?
5. MC3
6. MC2 BP
7. Game Center
8. Shawdow Gun
9. Gemibears
10. Ifighter

Kill up and Quit all programs

1. Activator
2. Anywhere
3. Short Hold
4. Assigned XSysInfo with wordings: Currently assigned to  XSysInfo

This is very important to refresh the memory totally.
Furthermore, use the iCleaner to clear up all used memory

In case of Multicleaner is also very useful for quit all the programs including the current programs, this is will finish the procedures very fast. but cannot clean up deeply.

Also, use the Memory Manager is also very useful but it take more time to clean up the memory.

MultiCleaner Function

1. Activator triggers
2. Quit all apps
3. Status Bar
4. Hold Right - Tap and hold on the right part of status... (tick), which means in the position of the top right corner of iphone, in which the battery status position located.

Personal Hotspot Settings

1. Setting
2. General
3. Network
4. Personal Hotspot On
5. Wi-Fi Password 12345678

2012年10月3日 星期三

share wifi by MyWi and security lock

1. make sure switch off the wifi  on first, in which search for wifi from outside. this step is very important otherwise cannot connect to the wifi by the computer window 7 running properly.

2. In MyWi, turn on WiFi Hotspot.

3. Security setting: WPA2, with digit password.

4. in computer input wifi setting manually. Name of Wifi: MyWi locallhost, with WPA2 and password.

5. When there is a conflict in which the wifi cannot work properly, have a sign 感嘆號appeared on the wifi logo. Then have clear the setting of wifi account.

In general setting remove the password for Internet setting, make unlink to the wifi. And then switch on the MyWi on. After that the conflict can be removed.