2012年6月22日 星期五

Display Recorder Document Path (Jaibreak one)


this is the path in iFile

How to Trim Video recordered by Display Recorder

1. To record the game video by Display Recorder with internal recording sound. (this display recorder is not the one jailabreaked, can buy from App Store of iphone)

2. Use iFile to copy the game video from the Display Recorder into the Document of Video Editor and edit it and re-transfer to Camera Roll.

Preparations of softwares

1. Jaibreak the iphone 4S
2. Display Recorder bought from App Store
3. Video Editor bought from App Store

4. Display Recorder in .mp4 format
5. this is very useful for upload the selected part video into Youtube.

2012年6月16日 星期六

how correction of Multicleaner

use the sb setting to unhide the switcher bar and spring board, double  the switcher bar snd kill the tasks one by one
and use the memory managet to clean up all tasks again after thesse procedures  should recover multicleaner function again