2012年2月3日 星期五

iPhone 4S & Ipad 2 jailbreak


iPhone 4S & Ipad 2 jailbreak


Substrate save mode - don't use it

Please don't use in cydia as it cause keep stay is safe mode and if not use. A lot apps will lose. Data will lose.

Mobile Substrate
If remove the mobile substrate will cause crash or cannot multicleaner all quit apps.
So it needs to reinstall multicleaner

Also if mobile substrate remove will cause to remove the SBSettings,
So it need to be install the SBSettings again.

3 G unrestrictor also missed

By the way don't use the Cloud sync because limited use momery 5g
If data in iphone 4 will cause cannot sync, that means the data keep old and recovery it lose a lot of new data.

2012年2月2日 星期四