2011年12月28日 星期三

Black list iphone 4 phone call


教您如何使用RedSn0w 0.9.10b2完美越獄5.0.1


教您如何使用RedSn0w 0.9.10b2完美越獄5.0.1
十二月 27th, 2011 @ 10:24 下午 › king2
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官方 Blog 文章:Dev-Team blog

1.redsn0w 0.9.10b2更新:解決昨日部分cydia軟體無法啓用如sbsettings.越獄前請先關機,使用b2直接再次jailbreak,進入DFU後,不勾選任何選項,進入桌面您會發現Cydia無法開啟會跳出,請關機重開,即可恢復,最後開啟Cydia,重新安裝mobile substrate,關機再次重開機.您就可發現sbsettings回來囉~
2. redsnow0.9.10b1問題: 如原本5.0.1不完美越獄,使用redsnow再次越獄者,會發生sbsettings or quickdo or infinidock or infinifolder即使安裝亦無法使用.反而使用,Corona 5.0.1 Untether無此問題(3GS+semitethered+5.0.1+Corona 5.0.1 Untether+關機->正常使用)
3.不完美5.0.1人請使用Corona 5.0.1 Untether轉成完美5.0.1.而5.0.1無越獄者,可安心服用.請於Cydia搜尋跳出,請將語系改成英文!或是改Keyboard使用繁體輸入.(教學)


1.記:請先使用iTunes備份資料 ,使用小雨傘備份5.0.1shsh
2.此越獄適合安裝5.0.1韌體 iPhone3GS, iPhone4, iPhone4-CDMA, iPad1, iPod touch 3G, iPod touch 4G.
3. 如果您是上面所說的裝置,請先升級5.0.1.才可使用.Windows使用者請先使用小雨傘備份5.0.1shsh吧!如果您是透過ultrasn0w or gevey解鎖者,請務必使用自製韌體升級5.0.1(使用ifaith or pwnagetool or snowbreeze).
4.如果您經5.0.1使用redsnow不完美越獄,您有兩種選擇,使用redsnow再次越獄,並記得不要勾選“Install Cydia” (更新b2後,可以使用)或是安裝Corona 5.0.1 Untether(個人建議後者)
5.如果您之前使用redsnow0.9.10b1完美越獄,想修正問題,請使用b2直接再次jailbreak,進入DFU後,不勾選任何選項,進入桌面您會發現Cydia無法開啟會跳出,請關機重開,即可恢復,最後開啟Cydia,重新安裝mobile substrate,關機再次重開機.


沒越獄的話,請使用最新版的 RedSn0w 0.9.10b2 來進行完美越獄

Redsn0w 0.9.10b2 for OSX:請點
Redsn0w 0.9.10b2for Windows:請點



1.開啟Redsnow,選 Jailbreak 進入

2. 按住power鍵2秒,跑出Slide to Power Off,將你的 iOS 裝置關機,將再按 Next。


4.成功進入Pwned DFU

5.選擇Install Cydia




或是JB後Cydia添加「軟體源(Source)」可能會跳出,解決方法到「設定>一般>國際設定>語言」裡,設定成「Engliah」。然後到Cydia裡新增「http://apt.iphone4.tw」源,再搜尋「Cydia Keyboard Fixer」軟體安裝即可在改回中文囉。


如果您原本 iOS 已不完美 JB5.0.1,你可以有兩種方式變成完美


<方法1>安裝Corona 5.0.1 Untether


2.搜尋Corona 5.0.1 Untether,並 安裝。

<方法2>請先執行一次在完美 JB 5.0.1,但切記不要勾選“Install Cydia” ,完成後即可成真正完美 JB。

~ 請不要使用,目前有bugs,等待Redsnow出現新~

1.開啟Redsnow,選 Jailbreak 進入

2. 按住power鍵2秒,跑出Slide to Power Off,將你的 iOS 裝置關機,將再按 Next。


4.成功進入Pwned DFU

5.不要勾選“Install Cydia”

6.手機會出現破解畫面,跑出鳳梨先生,最後重新開機進入使用畫面,即完成完美越獄,但若您之前如infinfolder or infindock會跑掉,也就是說您的桌面icon會還原到桌面。

2011年12月18日 星期日

Downgrade ipad 2 3G to from iso5.0.1 to 4.3.3


note java add details


2011年12月17日 星期六


1. Tinyumbrella
change/add last line:
# gs.apple.com

2. ifaith

2011年12月14日 星期三

Display recorder for iphone ISO 5.01

Add source:

Search display recorder

Display recorder files located

Selected video format H.264
Video quality Low
YouTube Account

2011年12月12日 星期一

How to change to Chinese keyboard without crashed!!

1. Double tick home button twice to clear all current running programs
2. Use memory booster to clear up all the other internal running programs to clear all memory
3. Open the Notes Apps to switch into Chinese Keyboard to make it hand writing stable.
4. After this procedures, we can use the whatsapp apps or SMS apps to use Chinese keyboard without crashed!!!

2011年12月4日 星期日

how to downgrade IOS 5.0.1 to 4.3.3


2011年12月3日 星期六

Downgrade iOS 5.0.1 To 4.3.3, 4.3.5 On iPhone 4, 3GS, iPad 2/1, iPod touch [How To Tutorial]


iOS 5.0.1 has been released -  and, chances are, you may be looking to downgrade to an earlier version of iOS because of one reason or another. Today, we’re going to guide you on how to do exactly that so you can go back to whichever version of iOS you are comfortable with.

Before you continue, though, keep in mind that you can only downgrade if you have previously backed up SHSH blobs for whichever version of iOS (4.x and below only) you wish to downgrade to. This is because of certain security checks used by Apple to ensure people stick to the latest version of iOS. It is also important to note that as of this writing, iOS 5.0 firmware is still being signed. You can downgrade to iOS 5.0 as long as it is being signed by Apple. The moment Apple stops signing iOS 5.0, you wont be able to downgrade to it even if you have SHSH blobs saved for it. This applies to iOS 5.x only, explanation for which can be found here.

NOTE: This guide is not applicable for iPhone 4S since there is no public jailbreak available for it, yet.

Step 1: Download the version of iOS to which you wish to downgrade to:

iOS 4.3.5
iOS 4.3.4
iOS 4.3.3
iOS 5.0
Step 2:  Connect your iOS device with your computer via USB cable. Boot into Device Firmware Update (DFU) mode. To do this, you will need to first turn off your device, press and hold Power + Home buttons for about 10 seconds, release the Power button while holding Home button for an extra 10 seconds. You’ll know when you’re in DFU mode, this is when the screen will go completely blank.

Step 3: Navigate to Windows > System 32 > drivers > etc on Windows or just etc on OS X. Locate a file named hosts, make a backup copy of it and then open it up with a text editor.

Step 4: Add the following code to hosts and save the file: gs.apple.com

Step 5: Open up iTunes and choose your iOS device from the sidebar. While holding the Shift (on Windows) or Alt (on OS X) key, click on Restore and choose the firmware file you downloaded in Step 1.

Step 6: You may receive Error 10xx after doing this, but there is no need to worry about it.

You must download a program like TinyUmbrella or Fix Recovery, open it up and click on Exit Recovery to get out of the error.

That’s it!

If you followed the steps correctly, your device will now be downgraded from iOS 5.0.1 to the firmware of your choice. You now may want to jailbreak your device on whichever firmware you chose: use JailbreakMe 3.0 if you’re on iOS 4.3.3 for untethered jailbreak, or tethered jailbreak using Redsn0w if you’re on iOS 4.3.5. iOS 5.0 can also be jailbroken tethered, or semi-tethered using Redsn0w.

Last but not the least, make sure you revert the changes you made to hosts file in Step 4 above to start receiving future iOS updates normally in iTunes from Apple’s servers.

You can follow us on Twitter or join our Facebook page to keep yourself updated on all the latest from Microsoft, Google, Apple and the web.


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Downgrade iOS 5.0.1 To 4.3.3, 4.3.5 On iPhone 4, 3GS, iPad 2/1, iPod touch [How To Tutorial]


iOS 5.0.1 has been released -  and, chances are, you may be looking to downgrade to an earlier version of iOS because of one reason or another. Today, we’re going to guide you on how to do exactly that so you can go back to whichever version of iOS you are comfortable with.

Before you continue, though, keep in mind that you can only downgrade if you have previously backed up SHSH blobs for whichever version of iOS (4.x and below only) you wish to downgrade to. This is because of certain security checks used by Apple to ensure people stick to the latest version of iOS. It is also important to note that as of this writing, iOS 5.0 firmware is still being signed. You can downgrade to iOS 5.0 as long as it is being signed by Apple. The moment Apple stops signing iOS 5.0, you wont be able to downgrade to it even if you have SHSH blobs saved for it. This applies to iOS 5.x only, explanation for which can be found here.

NOTE: This guide is not applicable for iPhone 4S since there is no public jailbreak available for it, yet.

Step 1: Download the version of iOS to which you wish to downgrade to:

iOS 4.3.5
iOS 4.3.4
iOS 4.3.3
iOS 5.0
Step 2:  Connect your iOS device with your computer via USB cable. Boot into Device Firmware Update (DFU) mode. To do this, you will need to first turn off your device, press and hold Power + Home buttons for about 10 seconds, release the Power button while holding Home button for an extra 10 seconds. You’ll know when you’re in DFU mode, this is when the screen will go completely blank.

Step 3: Navigate to Windows > System 32 > drivers > etc on Windows or just etc on OS X. Locate a file named hosts, make a backup copy of it and then open it up with a text editor.

Step 4: Add the following code to hosts and save the file: gs.apple.com

Step 5: Open up iTunes and choose your iOS device from the sidebar. While holding the Shift (on Windows) or Alt (on OS X) key, click on Restore and choose the firmware file you downloaded in Step 1.

Step 6: You may receive Error 10xx after doing this, but there is no need to worry about it.

You must download a program like TinyUmbrella or Fix Recovery, open it up and click on Exit Recovery to get out of the error.

That’s it!

If you followed the steps correctly, your device will now be downgraded from iOS 5.0.1 to the firmware of your choice. You now may want to jailbreak your device on whichever firmware you chose: use JailbreakMe 3.0 if you’re on iOS 4.3.3 for untethered jailbreak, or tethered jailbreak using Redsn0w if you’re on iOS 4.3.5. iOS 5.0 can also be jailbroken tethered, or semi-tethered using Redsn0w.

Last but not the least, make sure you revert the changes you made to hosts file in Step 4 above to start receiving future iOS updates normally in iTunes from Apple’s servers.

You can follow us on Twitter or join our Facebook page to keep yourself updated on all the latest from Microsoft, Google, Apple and the web.


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2011年12月2日 星期五

How to continue palying game before game over

1. find the MultiCleaner in Cydia.
2. choose Activator triggers/Quit all apps/Double Press/tick
*******Quickly press home button twice******

3. General Setting/Accessibility/Assistive Touch/On

4. Activator/Anywhere/Double Press/MultiCleaner Quit All